Levelling up and Regeneration Bill – Real change?
This week saw the publication of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill which outlines the government’s long awaited planning reforms.
Read more about our latest planning and environmental news.
This week saw the publication of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill which outlines the government’s long awaited planning reforms.
You may have heard a new term in the news recently of ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’ or BNG for short. Under the Government’s flagship Environment Bill, both Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) and Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) developments will need to deliver a minimum 10 per cent BNG.
From time to time in planning we see some very quirky developments and some very quirky decisions, sometimes in relatively sensitive environments.
This month we take a look at the Government’s recent announcements to change the planning regime in respect of town centre uses.
Like many other businesses across the UK and around the world, over the past couple of weeks we have been adjusting to evolving government policy in light of the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak
The main local planning story for us this month is the long-awaited adoption of the new Harrogate Local Plan. The last comprehensive Local Plan for the District was adopted in 2001 (!) after a 10 year gestation period in the 1990s and a replacement has been overdue for several years.
Last month saw a plethora of key publications emerging on design, following on from the National Design Guide we reported on back in October. First there has been a suite of documents from the National Infrastructure Commission dealing with design principles for nationally significant development projects, such as the North Lincolnshire Energy Park project we are engaged on.
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These cover a variety of topics including, for example nature conservation, trees and daylight/sunlight. We have previously posted about our familiarity with the special advice from the Building Research Establishment which has supplemented the historic British Standard on daylight/sunlight (BRE guidelines Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight – A guide to good practice 2011).
This month sees the publication of a brand new National Design Guide. It illustrates how well-designed places that are beautiful, enduring and successful can be achieved in practice through the use of the ten characteristics shown in the image below.
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